TheDailyGold: Gold Miners Weak but Not Oversold...

Published: Tue, 06/06/17

The Daily Gold
Jordan Roy-Byrne, CMT, MFTA


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Here are the actionable links from last week...

Gold Miners Weak but Not Oversold

Published Friday. The miners have been weak as they have underperformed the metals again. But they are not so oversold. They could become oversold if the metals crack. 


Interview: Mickey Fulp Interviews Jordan

I usually interview Mickey. He turned the tables as he wanted to interview me this time. Takes place at the Cambridge conference.  


TheMacroTourist on GDXJ's Epic Rebalance

Good, detailed post on the rebalance. The author thinks the front running could reverse itself completely and before the actual rebalance. 


Market Anthropology: Connecting the Dots

From the previous week. Erik Swartz covers the Dollar, Bonds, Gold and Equities. He remains constructive on Gold. 


June Macro Update: Employment, Housing, Retail Sales Soft

Great info and analysis of the data. The economy is still expanding but weakness is coming in and its more pervasive than a few months ago.  


Premium Snippets...

Chart 1: Smaller Half of our 55-Stock Index

The smaller half of the big 55 stock index has 26 companies. All but one or two are within a $50 Million to $250 Million market cap. 

This index has held up quite well relative to GDXJ and relative to producers. But the index has been held up by its now declining 200-dma. It could pop up to 195 or even 205 but bear in mind it has 10% immediate downside to key support at 170. 

Chart 2: John Hussman's 4 Criteria

John Hussman gets a bad rap from perma-bulls because he tends to be bearish quite often. This obviously angers the perma-bulls. Regardless of Hussman's bias and performance, his work is very detailed and well thought out. Just look at this chart which includes 4 criteria: overvalued, overbought, overbullish and unfavorable internals. The track record of this appears very strong. 

Late Saturday evening we published and sent a 32-page update to subscribers. In this update we reiterated our near-term bearish outlook due to the continued relative weakness in gold stocks and Silver as well as a sudden increase in bullish sentiment in Gold as Gold nears very strong resistance. We also noted the potential for a snap-back rally in the reflation theme, which is extremely oversold. That could pressure Gold in the short-term.

We also noted the importance of the Gold/Equities ratio which could be nearing a major move before the end of the year. A correction in the stock market could mean there are no more rate hikes (other than June) for the rest of the year. That would be a bullish catalyst for that ratio and gold stocks. However, a continued rise in the stock market with no further deterioration in economic stats, could lead to multiple rate hikes which would pressure precious metals for the rest of the year.

This update included subscriber questions answered (p8-10) and updates on a handful of companies (p5-7). One company holds a district scale land package in a good jurisdiction. They are trading at a sub $50 Million market cap and we think they have 3-5Moz potential in 3 years. Another company has corrected recently but boasts strong potential for 3M oz Au by year end. It has under a $100M market cap. Another one has been hurt by the GDXJ rebalancing. We think the stock has 5-fold potential in the next 2-years if Gold returns to $1800/oz. We noted one of our recent buys and favorites which reported good news recently. It remains extremely cheap and has 10-bagger potential. Finally, we noted a company very high on our watch list, which has a sub $15 Million enterprise value but has a joint venture with a major. 

Consider a subscription today as we can help you get positioned in the junior companies with significant upside potential at reasonable entry points. This is exactly our plan in the months ahead. We discuss and cover what we are actually buying, unlike the majority of our competitors.  

Dr. Jeffrey Kern, who we recently interviewed, had this to say regarding our stock-picking abilities:

I am simply a pure market-timer for a broad basket of gold stocks and precious metals. Jordan, on the other hand, has provided superior STOCK-PICKING abilities over the longer-term. I am familiar with most gold stock subscription services over the past 30 years. I rarely provide endorsements of any kind, but Jordan's ability to analyze individual gold/silver stocks has been among the top 5 services over the past decade. First and foremost, I respect his integrity.

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Disclaimer: This newsletter is intended for informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered personalized and individualized investment advice. Investment in the precious metals sector contains significant risks. You should consult with an investment advisor and do your own due diligence before making any investment decisions. This email may contain certain forward looking statements which are subject to risks, uncertainties and a multitude of factors that can cause results and outcomes to differ materially from those discussed herein.