TheDailyGold: It's Not Yet Time for Gold....

Published: Sun, 04/01/18

The Daily Gold
Jordan Roy-Byrne, CMT, MFTA


Sunday, April 1, 2018


Here are some actionable links for you....


It's Not Time Yet for Gold

Published Friday. Gold failed to breakout, again. This will discourage gold investors but the reality is its just not Gold's time yet. 

Interview: Gold Failed Breakout & Correlations 

Recorded Wednesday. I discuss Gold's failed breakout and the goings on in the other markets and how its impacting Gold. 

For What its Worth

From Market Anthropology. Numerous Gold-related charts in this post. Very informative. Erik Swartz the author does a great job. 


Money Matters

From Steve Saville. I always learn something from his missives. 



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Premium Snippets

Chart 1: Gold CoT vs. Silver CoT

We plot Silver, Gold and then Gold's net spec position divided by Silver's net spec position. 

That ratio made a super-spike as the net spec position in Silver touched an all-time low below 2%. Note that the other spikes in this ratio coincided with interim lows in Silver. The one that did not? It was in 2001, 4 months before a major bottom in Silver. 




Sunday morning we published TDG #563, a 24-page update in which we discussed the markets and factors that could influence Gold and how they may influence Gold in the weeks and months ahead. Just because Gold has not broken out, doesn't mean we want to be bearish.

Various juniors that we own have already turned the corner positively. A Gold test of $1300 or even $1265 would not change that. It would just cause a decline but a higher low in many cases. Meanwhile, the HUI is only 10% from our strong target support. And keep in mind that the gold stocks and Silver are already very oversold relative to Gold. They would get hit by a decline in Gold but could hold up quite well in real terms. 

We've been looking for the start of the next bull move to begin sometime in Q3. Some weakness beforehand is perfectly fine and it could put Gold sentiment indicators (CoT, DSI, put-call) in a very constructive position that it has not come close to in recent weeks. 

For only $149, you can subscribe and get access to our top picks and biggest holdings. And you can accumulate them at reasonable prices before Gold has a major breakout. Now is the time to be looking and accumulating as many juniors are sold out and have little downside left in price. 
Subscribe to our service and find out which juniors are great values and have massive potential over the next 12-18 months. (And we answer subscriber questions).  

Subscribe for Only $149

As always, thank you for your hard work and disciplined insight. It's been very rewarding being a member of TDG Premium

You nearly always read the trends and support and resistance extremely well. Please keep us posted if or when the outlook seems to change. which you always do of course. TDG is the most valuable resource for understanding what is possible to understand about the PMs.  

I appreciate your service and have some concept of the work that goes into it. Your stock picking is excellent.   

Thanks for being a good stock picker and an excellent chartist.

I have been a subscriber since late last year and just wanted to say thanks. You are the best analyst for gold stocks that I have found. (And I have been around for quite a while : ) )

"I am simply a pure market-timer for a broad basket of gold stocks and precious metals. Jordan, on the other hand, has provided superior STOCK-PICKING abilities over the longer-term. I am familiar with most gold stock subscription services over the past 30 years. I rarely provide endorsements of any kind, but Jordan's ability to analyze individual gold/silver stocks has been among the top 5 services over the past decade. First and foremost, I respect his integrity. - Dr. Jeffrey Kern,

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Thanks for reading. I wish you all great health and prosperity in 2018!



Disclaimer: This newsletter is intended for informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered personalized and individualized investment advice. Investment in the precious metals sector contains significant risks. You should consult with an investment advisor and do your own due diligence before making any investment decisions. This email may contain certain forward looking statements which are subject to risks, uncertainties and a multitude of factors that can cause results and outcomes to differ materially from those discussed herein. Novo Resources has contracted for marketing purposes.