Buy Alert for FWZ – Game Changing News is Only Days Away!

Published: Wed, 05/16/18


This message is being sent to you on behalf of my friend Eric Coffin.

-Jordan Roy-Byrne CMT, MFTA

Fireweed Zinc FWZ Built From Scratch For Shareholder Leverage
  I’m sending you this Special Situations Buy-Alert on Fireweed Zinc (FWZ) and the timing could not be any more critical.

The company just released a very impressive resource update on its Macmillan Pass zinc project in the Yukon to the tune of 6.5 billion pounds of zinc, 3.3 billion pounds of lead, and 55 million ounces of silver. A strategic buy-window on FWZ has now opened up ahead of the company’s forthcoming Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA)…due out in a matter of days. I urge you to read this report in full and then conduct your own due diligence — but you need to act quickly!

Fireweed Zinc is a company with a lot going on and a lot to say…and I think we all need to be paying attention.
Fireweed Zinc FWZ Built From Scratch For Shareholder Leverage
  Here’s how the incredible FWZ story came together…
As you’ll recall, back in 2015, the resource market was entrenched in a deep bear cycle many of us metal heads thought would never end. Fortunately, for each and every one of us—it did!

Yet, in the midst of that dismal multi-year slump, a small, dedicated group of savvy industry players had their collective eye on one of the most important base metals in the world: ZINC!

These players – who would later become Fireweed’s founders – were honing in on zinc’s emerging supply and demand fundamentals while others continued to lament a flatlining gold price.

They foresaw a developing supply shortage for the metal that was both large and unmistakable. And they were right! Shortly thereafter, the zinc price began racking up impressive double-digit gains—once again pushing the metal back into the forefront of investor consciousness.

With zinc on the rise, as predicted, the next step for the Fireweed team was simply... How Best to Play It!

They knew exactly what they wanted...
A large zinc resource, with the potential to get exponentially bigger, in a politically safe jurisdiction with a history of approving mining projects.
Let’s break that down:
  A large resource, if purchased at a favorable price, allows management to price early financings at a non-dilutive level – IF the resource looks potentially economic.
  The ability to grow the resource is also critical. It means positive news flow and a reason to rerate the stock (and the company’s value) upon each successive resource expansion.
  The importance of jurisdiction cannot be overstated. In order to maximize the potential impact of exploration and development news, the project MUST lie in a favorable jurisdiction. After all, prospective shareholders, as well as any potential acquirer of the company, will have little interest in a project that holds poor odds of getting permitted.
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Naturally, my HRA Journal & Alert subscribers always see the best ideas first. After that, members of my complimentary HRA Profit Advisory list have priority. Right now, we’re researching another profit-stock opportunity with similar potential to Fireweed Zinc. When the timing is right, YOU will receive this advisory along with a selection of our best trading ideas!
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Remember, all of this strategizing was happening way back in 2015 BEFORE the zinc price commenced its dramatic upside move. After reviewing numerous opportunities, the Fireweed group zeroed in on the Macmillan Pass (“MacPass”) Project in Canada’s Yukon. At that time, the owner of the project, HudBay, had shifted focus to large-scale copper projects and was henceforth willing to listen to offers on MacPass.

A distinct advantage Fireweed held over other potential suitors was the vast experience and credibility of its management team. Fireweed’s management group includes a chairman who previously served as chairman of the most successful resource developer active in the Yukon in recent memory, Kaminak Gold – and a CEO who was, literally, born in the closest town to the Macmillan Pass Project. Fireweed’s management group benefits from credibility, not only in the capital markets but also with stakeholder groups critical to MacPass eventually being permitted.

A deal for MacPass was negotiated in late-2015—and a good one at that. While the official paperwork wasn’t completed until months later, HudBay displayed a great deal of class in sticking to their original “handshake deal” made with Fireweed prior to zinc’s price escalation.

I’ve no doubt that the brass at HudBay are more than comfortable knowing the project is now in very capable hands…as is their large shareholding in Fireweed Zinc (FWZ).
Fireweed Zinc Stock Symbol TSX.V FWZ Strong Buy Signal
  A Major Score that just keeps getting BIGGER
Fireweed’s acquisition of the Macmillan Pass Project is proving to be a major score indeed. The project covers two separate zinc discoveries, Tom and Jason, about five kilometers apart. Both have developed into sizeable high-grade zinc-lead-silver resources! Having two separate resource areas is a distinct advantage for reasons I’ll outline below.

MacPass boasted a historic resource (Indicated plus Inferred) of almost 31 million tonnes at a grade of 10.6% zinc equivalent when the deal was struck.

In other words, upon closing the deal with HudBay, Fireweed was starting with one of the largest zinc resources in the world not controlled by a major mining company.

Yet, Fireweed didn’t stop there.

Fireweed’s management, and the brokers who helped finance the deal, were adamant that the company be set up differently from what most traders are normally accustomed to. That meant a few key items of interest:
  • Founder’s shares to be locked-up (7.8 million shares subject to 3 year escrow agreement)
  • Placement ahead of the IPO only large enough to cover necessary expenses
  • IPO shares going only to committed shareholders
  • NO “unit placements” that include warrants
I’ve been well acquainted with Fireweed’s management and most of its board for years, and all of this was laid out to me before Fireweed went public. These are serious guys with a serious set of goals in mind: Rapidly building one of the world’s largest high-grade zinc resources – systematically proving its economic viability to the market – then working toward development of the project or a takeover by a larger company—whichever comes first.

Let me just say, I was impressed then and I’m even more impressed now. Fireweed Zinc (FWZ) is the successful culmination of the right team, the right project, and a remarkably tight share structure built to maximize shareholder leverage.

Take a look at the company’s impressive stock chart below…and then take it directly from me: We’re now being presented with an advantageous buy-window prior to the release of the company’s PEA of the Macmillan Pass Project. Do not miss this window.
Fireweed Zinc FWZ Price Chart
  To date, Fireweed has completed just three placements open to outsiders. I’ve personally purchased shares in all of them. And, I’ve been recommending FWZ to my HRA subscribers from day one.

FWZ listed just eleven months ago via a massively oversubscribed 50 cent IPO. Confident they’d get results allowing for a higher priced financing later on, the company raised just enough IPO cash to carry out its 2017 field program and to complete payments for the MacPass property.

That confidence quickly proved to be well-founded.

In late-2017, Fireweed reported a number of very good step-out drill intercepts confirming and expanding upon historic drill results from the Tom and Jason properties. A number of holes intersected notably higher grades and wider zones than projected from historic data. The total area of the project was also quadrupled to 21,939 Ha with an option for the adjacent MAC claims.

Fireweed CEO Brandon Macdonald noted in a press release dated December 27th, 2017, “These are excellent year-end results and demonstrate how far Fireweed has come since our IPO in May. In those short seven months we have quickly moved the MacMillan Project forward with some major achievements including a number of very wide and high-grade drill holes to verify and step out from the known deposits, airborne geophysics to define critical geology, and surface field work toward defining exploration targets and potential new discoveries.”

The company’s stock – which has never traded less than 40% above its IPO price – rallied significantly into year-end as the market began to anticipate a solid resource estimate update. The market was right!

2018: Major Resource Expansion ahead of PEA
As mentioned, I’ve been following Fireweed in HRA since before its IPO. As results of last year’s drill program were released, I became even more positive about what FWZ’s resource update would reveal.

That update is detailed in the table below. Not only is it both very large and exceptionally high-grade—it by far surpassed my already lofty expectations.

This new resource, published in January of this year, contains over 6.5 billion pounds of zinc, 3.3 billion pounds of lead, and 55 million ounces of silver in both the Indicated and Inferred categories.

Even better, the weighted average zinc equivalent grade of the resource is 9.9%. That’s $300/tonne rock at current zinc prices. And yes, we’re talking about 50 million tonnes of it!

HRA Journal provides you with in-depth analysis of the companies on our active coverage list along with insightful commentary on the metals and equities markets. As a recipient of this Special Situations report, please click the SUBSCRIBE button to access your exclusive savings. —Eric
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January 2018 Updated MacPass Resource Estimate
This table provides separate totals for higher confidence (based on closer drill hole spacing) Indicated and lower confidence Inferred for the Tom and Jason zinc-lead-silver resources. Tom and Jason are located five kilometers from each other. The current TOTAL resource for the MacPass project of 50 million tonnes is calculated by adding together the Inferred and Indicated tonnage for both the Tom and Jason resources.

Not surprisingly, the announcement of the updated resource kicked off the next leg-up in Fireweed’s stock leading to new analyst coverage and a large, and mostly institutional, financing.

With the enviable resource and cash position Fireweed now has, and with the first economic study on MacMillan Pass just ahead of us, I expect the list of analysts covering the company will grow dramatically this year.

On the back of the new resource, Fireweed announced, then quickly closed, another massively oversubscribed financing. The financing was intended to be $10 million but was raised to $12.5 million in a matter of hours due to heavy demand.

Worth mentioning is that the bulk of the financing came from a single institutional investor, Resource Capital Funds—a group well-known for engaging in heavy due diligence prior to making an investment decision. That should tell you a lot.

Now cashed up, Fireweed is busy designing an aggressive exploration program for this year to upgrade and expand the resource yet again while also looking for new deposits on the greatly enlarged project.

Even with the large cash injection, FWZ remains an extraordinarily tight stock. At present, there are only 30 million shares outstanding with almost half of those held by Resource Capital, HudBay, and management.

Remember earlier when I told you how the Fireweed team was purposeful in setting up the company differently from what most traders are used to seeing? Well, I think you’re beginning to understand just how special this company is from an investment standpoint.

So… how does FWZ stack up against its peers?
The table below compares Fireweed to several companies in its peer group utilizing current resources and enterprise value (market value minus working capital) as measures. As you can readily see, Fireweed stands out as having by far the largest combined zinc-lead resource on the list.
Peer Group Comparison
This table compares Fireweed to a number of companies in its peer group, based on reported zinc equivalent resources (zinc equivalent is calculated by adding the value of zinc, lead, and silver resources and dividing by the zinc price) and Enterprise Value. The height of the vertical bar for each company is based on the size of its Indicated (dark portion) and Inferred (orange portion) resources, added together, with the scale shown on the left. The light blue dot indicates Enterprise Value, calculated by taking the market value and subtracting cash on hand and adding any debt on hand, with the scale on the right. The lines below the table display the average Measured & Indicated “M&I” and Inferred zinc equivalent grade for the company’s resource.

Companies with smaller and/or lower grade resources are carrying far larger market values than Fireweed. If you ask me, the main reason for this discount (and it’s also the primary reason you’re receiving this time-sensitive report) is the current lack of economic studies on the MacPass Project. Think about it. Companies that have projects with demonstrated positive economics are carrying market values two to three times higher than Fireweed despite the fact that MacPass holds resources that are far larger and, in many cases, higher grade.

I believe that’s about to change. The first 43-101 compliant economic study EVER to be produced on Macmillan Pass, a maiden PEA (Preliminary Economic Assessment), is just around the corner. In fact, I expect it to be published as soon as next week.

Once Fireweed publishes economics on MacPass – positive economics that is – we should see another rerating to the upside. And that’s just the start of the story…but I’ll save talk of exploration and expansion potential for our next report.
Fireweed Zinc Stock Symbol TSX.V FWZ Strong Buy Signal
For now, here are a few key reasons to expect a positive PEA that will drive Fireweed’s market valuation higher:
1)   Size and grade: Obvious advantages that have already been discussed in detail yet important not to forget! At 50 million tonnes and an overall zinc equivalent grade near 10%, there’s a lot of room for profit built into the current $300/tonne value.
2)   Geometry: This one is vital. Tom and Jason, which are physically separate resources, are close to vertical with impressive thicknesses starting close to surface near ridge tops. This should make both Tom and Jason ideal candidates for ramp access and efficient underground mining methods. With the potential for both areas to be worked simultaneously, the engineers should be able to utilize a production rate high enough to generate solid economies of scale.
3)   Easily Accessible High-Grade to Boost Returns and Shorten Payback: In addition to being a very large and very high-grade deposit, MacPass benefits from some particularly high-grade areas that should be accessible early in the underground mine-life which could turbocharge returns.
Peer Group Comparison
This diagram shows a 3D version of the “resource blocks” that make up the Tom East resource. The blocks are colored to correspond to different NSR (net smelter returns) for each block based on calculated grades. Net smelter return values were calculated by taking the gross value per tonne of the zinc, lead, and silver (adjusted to reflect the metallurgical recoveries for each metal) – treatment charges levied by a third-party smelter that treats the zinc and lead concentrates MacPass would produce – and the cost of shipping the concentrate to the smelter.
    One particularly attractive area is the Tom East zone. Tom East contains 800,000 tonnes of Indicated resources grading 20.3% zinc-equivalent and nearly 1.7 million tonnes of Inferred resources grading 27.3% zinc equivalent. These near surface resources should be easily ramp accessible making them an optimum place to start mining. Using a $1.10/lb zinc price, these zones represent a gross metal value of over US$1.5 billion. Assuming a mining rate of, say, 5,000 tonnes per day, this amount of material could potentially be mined in the first couple years of production, providing a solid front-end load to revenues that will speed payback and increase the Net Present Value of MacPass.
4)   Longevity: While we don’t yet know what mining rate the engineers will use for the MacPass PEA, I expect it to be in the range of 5,000 tonnes per day. The geometry and thickness of the Tom and Jason zones should allow for this sort of underground production. Even before Fireweed works to grow the zones further with this year’s drill program, there is enough tonnage at MacPass to sustain a very long mine-life.

This is important. Large mining companies entering a new area to build a greenfield mining operation want to know they will be there for a long time. MacPass has the sort of scale that should attract large miners, and Fireweed has assembled a huge amount of exploration ground surrounding MacPass. “Sedex” (sedimentary exhalative) deposits are often found in camps that contain several separate occurrences. Most of the exploration ground around MacPass has never received a serious exploration effort…and that’s about to change as well.
DON’T FORGET… to add your email to our complimentary HRA Profit Advisory!
Naturally, my HRA Journal & Alert subscribers always see the best ideas first. After that, members of my complimentary HRA Profit Advisory list have priority. Right now, we’re researching another profit-stock opportunity with similar potential to Fireweed Zinc. When the timing is right, YOU will receive this advisory along with a selection of our best trading ideas!
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Late Breaking News
After quadrupling the size of the MacPass project last year, Fireweed has doubled the size of the project AGAIN with two new property deals. Fireweed now controls a property exceeding 46,000 hectares or over 180 square miles of premier exploration ground. Lots of room for new discovery!
5)   Road Access: While the Canol Road will need to be upgraded for production, do not underestimate the advantage of having an existing permitted road all the way into the site. Fireweed didn’t need to use helicopters at all for its drill program last year. The road will represent these same advantages during development and production.
6)   Power Costs: This is an issue everywhere in the Yukon but recent advances in using LNG (liquified natural gas) generator sets should lead to substantial power savings compared to traditional diesel-power. This method of power generation has been successfully deployed at other recent mine start-ups in the region. BC and Alberta, to the south of the Yukon, are swimming in natural gas, and prices are likely to stay cheap for the foreseeable future.
A Quiet Confidence Surrounds Fireweed Zinc
Before Fireweed’s recent resource update, I’m certain anyone who had the opportunity to talk with management would have been struck by their quiet confidence. I’m pretty sure these guys KNEW the resource estimate would blow away market expectations. And while they certainly couldn’t say that at the time to analysts such as myself, it was clear they were not even slightly concerned about the potential for a negative resource estimate outcome.

Why does that matter? It matters because management’s confident tone did not change as they shifted their focus from resource estimate to the upcoming PEA.

Those who missed the clues before FWZ’s most recent resource update missed out on some big gains. While base metals have been on a bit of a mediocre ride of late, some of them, particularly zinc, are catching a bid again. This hasn’t translated to Fireweed’s share price as of yet—but it will. The current dip in price provides an excellent entry point ahead of the MacPass PEA which I expect will be released very soon.

But be cautioned—this is a window I believe is set to close fast. I’m anticipating a big rerating to the upside upon the PEA’s release. And, I am expecting this to be followed by continued strength as Fireweed lays out plans for an aggressive, already funded, summer resource expansion and upgrading campaign in and around the main resource area.

From my experienced vantage point, you don’t have much time to take advantage of this profit opportunity. Act quickly.

I will produce an update on FWZ once the PEA is released. Adding yourself to the HRA Profit Advisory list, if you’re not already on it, will ensure your timely receipt of that update!

Eric Coffman
Eric Coffin, editor
Hard Rock Analyst

HRA Journal provides you with in-depth analysis of the companies on our active coverage list along with insightful commentary on the metals and equities markets. As a recipient of this Special Situations report, please click the SUBSCRIBE button to access your exclusive savings. —Eric
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  HRA Special Delivery Alert and the HRA Journal are independent subscriber-supported publications produced and distributed by Stockwork Consulting Ltd., which is committed to providing timely and factual analysis of junior mining and resource exploration companies. Companies are chosen based on speculative potential for significant upside gains resulting from asset and resource expansion and/or new discoveries. These are high-risk securities, and opinions contained herein are time and market sensitive. No statement or expression of opinion, or any other matter herein, directly or indirectly, is an offer, solicitation or recommendation to buy or sell any securities mentioned. While we believe all sources of information to be factual and reliable we in no way represent or guarantee the accuracy thereof, nor of the statements made herein. We do not receive or request compensation in any form whatsoever to feature companies in HRA publications. The HRA Journal and HRA Special Delivery Alert services are only distributed to paying subscribers. On rare occasions, HRA agrees to assist companies by producing Special Situation reports which it then distributes to the HRA Free List and other lists that are chosen and rented by HRA on behalf of the sponsoring company. HRA will ONLY consider assisting with one of these campaigns for companies that are already under active coverage in HRA publications. Stockwork Consulting is compensated for these campaigns to cover added expenses involved in producing the reports, renting third party email lists and distributing the reports. HRA maintains complete editorial control of the contents of Special Situation reports, just as it does with its other publications. Management of companies profiled in HRA Special Situation reports do not have access to or ability to edit the report prior to its publication. Fireweed and Stockwork have agreed to a budget of US$75,000. This compensates Stockwork for writing and producing two reports — one before and one after the release of the Fireweed PEA — as well as covering outside copywriting, graphics, html coding and the rental of outside email lists for reports to be issued before and after the release of a PEA by Fireweed. No representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is given by or on behalf of Fireweed, its directors or officers as to the accuracy or completeness of the information or opinions contained in the reports; and no liability whatsoever is accepted by the Company, its directors or officers or any other person for any loss howsoever arising, directly or indirectly, from any use of such information or opinions or otherwise arising in connection therewith. We may, or may not, own securities or warrants to acquire securities of the company mentioned herein. I do “eat my own cooking” and tell shareholders if I have taken part in placements of companies I follow in the newsletter, which I often do. As noted in the body of this report, in the case of Fireweed Zinc I have taken part in the last three placements and continue to be a significant shareholder. This placement participation was NOT tied to or incumbent on Fireweed undertaking this campaign. Fireweed and Stockwork had not agreed a campaign would be undertaken at the time I purchased shares in the placements. I pay for stocks I buy in company placements out of my own pocket, just like you. You should never invest in a speculative — or any other — stock without doing your own rigorous due diligence and consulting with an independent third-party investment professional. This document is protected by the copyright laws of Canada and the U.S. and may not be reproduced in any form for other than personal use without the prior written consent of the publisher. This document may be quoted, in context, provided proper credit is given. ©2018 Stockwork Consulting Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Published by Stockwork Consulting Ltd. Box 85909, Phoenix AZ, 85071  

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